QuickBooks Store Exchange Error & How to Fix Them

QuickBooks store exchange error

Have you ever faced an error with store exchange passwords or exchange files? QuickBooks POS store exchange mainly involves the ability to transfer data between the headquarters and the stores, or between the stores. While doing so, there are plenty of errors you can possibly face. If you’re facing any one or more of these, then you’ve landed on the right page. Some common store exchange errors are as follows:- 

.QBT Error 2: The store exchange password you enter does not match the password in the preferences

Error 193: Primary key for the department is not unique

Error 175135: Unable to locate store exchange file

Error 175305: Store Exchange Error encountered, view log files to get details

Error 175414: Cannot copy a file

Fortunately, each and every store exchange error on QuickBooks Point of Sale can be solved without a technician. Let’s see how.

What Causes QuickBooks Store Exchange Errors?

There’s a list of errors that are related to QuickBooks store exchange and can happen to anyone who:

You now see why these errors are not only fixable but can be resolved by yourself. Now, let’s take a look at the list of QuickBooks store exchange errors you might be facing.

Possible List of Store Exchange Errors on QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS)

There are 6 possible QuickBooks pos store exchange errors, each of them having its own simple solutions:

QuickBooks POS Error 2

Here, the store exchange password doesn’t match the one in preference. Basically, when you enter the password, the software won’t take it.

Here’s how you fix it:

QuickBooks POS Error 193

This is a QuickBooks error 193 where the primary key used for a department is not unique. When you make an attempt to process your mailbag, here’s what you’ll get:

“Primary key for the department is not unique”


“Primary key for this table is not unique”

A simple solution to this problem is:

QuickBooks POS Error 175135

In-store exchange error 175135 you’re not able to store an exchange file. That means you won’t be able to receive files from a store or the headquarters if you want. This is what you need to do in such a situation:

QuickBooks POS Store Exchange Error 175305

Store exchange error 175305 occurs when transferring files. Your actions could be restricted by the firewall, damaged files, or not being signed in as the admin.

Here’s what you need to ensure here then:

QuickBooks Store Exchange Error 175411

According to QuickBooks error 175411, the license number you added probably belongs to another store. This can happen when multiple remote users use the same license number.

So, here’s what you need to do;

QuickBooks Store Exchange Error 175414

QuickBooks POS Error 175414 occurs when you’re transferring files. The solution to this problem differs for headquarters and remote stores.

For headquarters:

For a remote store:

Troubleshoot Point of Sale Store Exchange Error Easily

You can solve any QuickBooks Store exchange error by yourself. These issues have nothing to do with your software or Operating system mostly but need little troubleshooting and rectification from your end. In case you need a helping hand, contact our QuickBooks POS support experts at +1888-727-4587.

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