What Are The Probable Reasons For “QuickBooks Is Unable To Send Emails Due To Network Connection Failure”?

This is a common issue of QuickBooks and there can be several reasons behind this issue. Some of the most probable reasons for this QuickBooks Error are mentioned below

Troubleshooting Methods

Let’s discuss the troubleshooting methods according to the error message.

Error Message- “Could not connect to the Email Server.”

Solution 1: Update QuickBooks to the Latest Version

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Solution 2: Configure the webmail preferences

Next, we will discuss the troubleshooting methods if you see the error message ” QuickBooks is unable to send email to Outlook.”

Solution 1: Edit the admin advantages

(Note– If you are not able to edit that option, click on the show settings for all users option. 

After that, the option will be available and you have to remove the tick mark.

Solution 2: In QuickBooks, Edit the Email Preferences

QuickBooks Is Unable To Send Emails Due To Network Connection Failure

For more Detailed Troubleshooting Steps:- https://smbdaily.com/quickbooks-desktop-is-unable-to-send-your-emails-to-outlook/

Contact QuickBooks Professionals

If you are unable to fix this error using the troubleshooting methods. Get in touch with our certified QuickBooks professionals on QuickBooks Helpline at +1-888-727-4587.

Frequently asked questions

What is the initial troubleshooting method to solve this issue?

First, check your internet connection before trying any complex troubleshooting method to solve this issue.

What is the full form of an SMTP server?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Server.

What is the best method to solve this issue?

You can use the QuickBooks file doctor tool to solve this issue from the QuickBooks tool hub.

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