QuickBooks Error 30108 or QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Invalid Pin Error

To transfer payroll or log in to Payroll Account Maintenance pages, you ought to enter a PIN. Here’s when you encounter a common QuickBooks error 30108 or an Invalid PIN error in QuickBooks Payroll. Let’s understand why it happens and how to get rid of it.

 QuickBooks Error 30108

Cause of QuickBooks Error 30108 or Payroll Invalid Pin Error

When trying to transfer payroll (including or excluding Direct Deposit paychecks) Or

Accessing the Payroll Account Maintenance pages or Payroll Tax Centre, you must have received one of the following errors popping up!

A solution to this is to wait for 15 minutes and then retry entering your pin, [Message Code 1000]

How to Fix QuickBooks Error 30108 or QuickBooks Payroll Invalid Pin Error

How to change your PIN for processing Direct Deposit payroll in QuickBooks Desktop?

Sometimes you might need to change the PIN. So, you can follow these methods to do so!

Method 1: Changing your PIN in the Payroll Account Management Portal

In case if you forgot the PIN. Jump to Method 2


Now, follow these:

    1. Now, tap  on the Employees menu
    2. Then, on My payroll service and choose Account/Billing Information.
    3. Sign in to Intuit
    4. Search for Payroll Info
    5. In Payroll service Pin; tap on Update Pin
    6. Enter old PIN, Create a new one, and press Confirm.

Method 2: Change PIN in Send Payroll Data Window


Now, follow these:

QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Invalid Pin Error

    1. Log in to QuickBooks as an Admin (an Admin user should be set up before this)
    2. Now, tap on Employees 
    3. Then, on Send Payroll Data
    4. In Send/Receive Payroll data menu
    5. Tap on Send
    6. In the Payroll Service PIN menu, tap on Forgot Your PIN?
  1. Enter new PIN
  2. Select Submit

How to reset your lost or forgotten PIN in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll?

For this, you need to download a form named Direct Deposit Pin Reset, and you need:

That’s all, and you’re done with this!

Contact QuickBooks Payroll Experts To Fix QuickBooks Invalid Pin Error or QuickBooks Error 30108

In case, you are unable to repair the invalid pin error in QuickBooks payroll. Contact QuickBooks Payroll Support experts at +1888-727-4587 for immediate QuickBooks payroll assistance.

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